Saturday 14 April 2018

It's Brighton Marathon Weekend!

Sat on the train heading down to Brighton for tomorrow's marathon and I remembered that I have this blog.
It's pretty timely really as although the five k every day concept was what kick started my running it was training for this race last year that really made me feel like a "runner". Whatever that means.
I found it a bit of a struggle keeping this updated beyond the intended purpose of logging my 5 k every day runs as there are so many more experienced runners out there producing so much quality content  What could I add? Well it just occurred to me that adding the voice of inexperience is valuable too.
So here are some random thoughts from my first year as a runner, a year in which I completed 2 marathons (slowly) a 50km ultramarathon (slowly), ran a trail half marathon on the hottest day of the year (very slowly!), and finally broke the 2 hour barrier for a half. In no particular order 10 chunks of wisdom
1. Don't worry about pace - goals are good but running should be enjoyable. Save the pb hunting for big races.
2. Running is fun. If you aren't finding it fun slow down and run until you enjoy it.
3. Parkrun is brilliant. Do them as often as possible.
4. Running Commentary Podcast is also brilliant. Listen to it while running.
6. Endorphins are addictive
7. Your brain will work better
8. You can run much further than you think. Especially if you stop and take in the view from time to time.
9. If this patient zero sniffy fucker across the aisle infects me with whatever lurgy he has I'm not going to be happy.
10. You can learn a lot from the online running community, but you can learn a lot more just by getting out there and finding your running mojo.
With a bit of luck I'll keep this updated a bit more often, especially as I'm working my way towards the 53 mile Race to the King in June. Or maybe I'll forget and won't update until I head down to the Brighton marathon next year.
Either way be cool

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