Friday 30 September 2016

Tomorrow I start 31 consecutive days of running

So naturally this is how I'm preparing. Pints in a lovely canalside pub called The Folly at Napton.

If you can spare it please consider donating to Cancer Research through my Just Giving page

If my suffering makes it any sweeter I'm holidaying on a narrowboat right now and we are moored at the top of a flight of locks. This means run 1 of 31 will be 2.5km downhill followed by 2.5km back up.

Thursday 29 September 2016

What am I doing here?

Hello friends,

So October is almost upon us and starting on Saturday 1st I've decided to run a minimum of 5km every day for an entire month in aid of Cancer Research UK.

Why am I doing this? Well it started when the first "Go Sober for October" post of the year appeared in my news feed. For those unfamiliar with the campaign it encourages people to seek sponsorship in order to not drink alcohol for a month. This campaign winds me up for a few reasons which I might get to another time but I wouldn't want to discourage people from a) drinking less b) raising money for charity so I'll park it.

Anyway I saw a post in my news feed, someone else saying the person laying off the sauce was doing such a great thing blah blah so I had a little internal rant which ended up with me saying to myself I was going to actually challenge myself and run five km every day for a month instead. And here we are.

How much of a challenge is this? Well I'm a novice runner, In fact I only started running in spring this year. My current park run (5km) personal best is about 30 seconds faster than the national average. I've also run a few 10km cross country events this summer (Brutal series) and one 20km, I was in the slowest 50% in all of them. I'm also almost 42 years old, weigh about 14 stone, and had about 70% of the cartilage removed from my knee when I was 17. So what I'm trying to say is it's going to be tough but achievable. Certainly harder than faking alcohol dependency for 31 days, but easier than spending the night in McKamey Manor.

So here we go. I've even registered a domain for this little endeavour so I'm committed. You can follow my progress right here on this blog or through my Garmin/Endomondo/Strava profiles (links in the sidebar). If you are feeling generous please consider donating to Cancer Research through my Just Giving page.

Thanks for reading.
